I love cooking for friends and family. I also love baking. Mostly because I love sharing my culinary creations with people. This was a side effect of the pandemic when I started my sourdough starter like many others on the internet. I also indulged in cooking channels on YouTube. Bon Appétit, America’s Test Kitchen among others. This gave me a head start in baking and cooking, experience as I cooked and baked a ton to my mom’s despise (jk, she was just not happy with the mess I made in her kitchen). So I realized I’m very into creating food! Most often, when I lived with my sister, I’d cook things she liked or things I liked cooking and she didn’t very eagerly eat. She did eat a great deal, she had to.
So, this whole thing comes down to one factor: I love making things to share with friends and loved ones. And food, being a stable on its own, is a great venue to share things in. Since I started living on my own some two years ago, I have only cooked healthy and experimental stuff at a minimum bare, because I didn’t have many people to share my creations with.
I did bake and cook a ton of food for my friends and colleagues but it’s not been the same as it once was when I was working from home. To not complicate things any further, I want to get into cooking and baking for real. Trying out recipes on ATK, Brad’s and Claire’s new YouTube channels. Maybe to this end, I should start a food blog? If there was a food blog, I’d document my progress (if any) and showcase the horrible doings in my kitchen. Maybe I could do one her eon this blog or on Instagram, with a new account dedicated to cooking and baking!
Fact of the matter is, I don’t even know if I have the time or dedication, but what would I lose if I only tried?