Too Many Blogs to Keep Track of

Long story short, I began my blogging career back in middle school in two thousand and seven when I was just eleven years old. Back then, I started a blog for our class to publish ‘news’ using a blogging service called Azbuz in Turkey. Even though the service provider is long gone from the face of Internet, you can still find bits and pieces of 6bninolaylari using the Internet Archive here. This is the earliest snapshot from the amateur blog that I created as a teen-ager. I was joined by like-minded friends of mine, popyularmerve (who later changed her use name to Miss Fairy Merve) and badboys414, who contributed to the site with their investigative journalism. The blog was full of gossip and school-related talk but unfortunately, not all pieces were captured by the Internet Archive so most of its content is lost to the darkness. Reading through what’s left, you can only smile as you scroll through an eleven year old’s bad spelling in Turkish and childishly written content.

I also had other endeavours where I took on the responsibility of several web forums as an admin, namely, ForumAyna and among others. My pursuit of keeping a blog or a website came to a pause when I was in high school, when I was dealing mostly with coding and web design. My first personal blog appeared in two thousand and seventeen as my Erasmus exchange was nearing its end. I wrote a long essay about studying in Germany and published it on I aimed to write in-depth stories about my life at the time, and I did, to a certain level. I might re-publish some of the essays from

Some time later, I created yet another blog on, which I, at the time, aimed to be a space where I posted ‘quick notes’ from my life and about the media that I consumed, be it books or TV shows. At some point, and were both gone simultaneously as I failed to pay the hosting fee. It wasn’t that I did not have the money at the time but I only forgot to pay. How improtant these two blogs were for me! To my surprise, I could save some of the old posts from either one of them. Then I revived as a stand-alone blog, but it, too, shared the same fate. And now, here I am, with yet another (personal) blog, and yet again giving a brief history of my blog keeping (or my attempt at it). This one, inmywords, is another attempt, and hopefully, the last and a successful one.

I plan to touch on things that are important and dear to me. There is only one thing I know for sure: I have a never-satisfied appetite to write and I will write on and on!